Pregnant Athlete

Quick 20 Minute Total Body Workouts (with baby!)

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September 14, 2022

Work...zoom list goes on and on. As moms, our day-to-day schedules are CRAZY and there never seems to be an end in sight. So many of my clients, and myself included, have really felt the stress over these past 8 months. One thing that I can directly link to my elevated stress levels is when I do not break a sweat and exercise. The days that I'm not moving, I'm sluggish, stressed, irritable, and negative thoughts really start to creep in. When I exercise, pretty much all of these symptoms go away; it's actually pretty amazing what a little endorphin boost can do!

One thing I have really embraced and come to love, are my short 20 minute workouts. Because why? Well the main reason is, I seriously don't have time for an hour + long workout anymore. I am lucky if my daughter naps for an hour and by the time she falls asleep I am finally grabbing a bite to eat, going to the bathroom alone, responding to a client text/email, picking up the 5,000 blocks scattered across my living room and next thing I know I have 30 minutes until she is most likely about to wake up. The second reason I love a short workout is because it is still super effective! You truly don't need hours and hours to stay healthy and strong. I focus on total body circuits and usually add in a little cardio (jump rope, burpees, spin bike, etc) to get my heart rate up and increase my calorie burn. And lastly, in just 20 minutes I can break a sweat and feel AMAZING! I exercise not just for the physical benefits, but for the mental benefits as well. Working out is a total stress-reliever and it does not take a full hour to reap these benefits.

It truly only TAKES 20! Click HERE for a fun total body workout! 

For the past few months I have been teaching a 20 minute LIVE MOMMY AND ME WORKOUT on IG with my daughter Ryan! Follow me @coach.tay and tune in Monday's at 10am PST! It has been so rewarding because I get a guaranteed 20 minute workout in every Monday AND I get to spend time with her. My biggest drive for teaching this class is to show moms that you don't need a lot of time to do something good for yourself! And you can do this workout with your baby! It is definitely easier if they are napping but if your baby is awake, you can STILL workout! Ryan has been seeing me exercise since she was 6 weeks old so now she thinks the bands are toys and she loves hanging out with me when I workout. If you make this a part of your daily routine, your baby will adjust and eventually be super interested in what it is you are doing! Especially when they want to copy you, so it will become a family affair! 

Click HERE for a mommy & me workout with Ryan and I! 

With life as crazy as it is, take the time to put yourself first, even just for those 20 minutes. If YOU are happy and healthy, it will carry down to your children and to your family. You will be able to give the best version of YOU because you are doing something good for yourself! #take20

If you'd like to check out my previous live workouts go to @coach.tay and go to my IGTV or catch me this Monday LIVE at 10am PST! 

Hope to see you there! 


Coach Tay

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